Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Earth Hour 2008,0,0,0" width="460" height="445" id="eh3d" align="middle">" />" quality="high" bgcolor="#012033" width="460" height="445" name="eh3d" align="middle" flashvars="data_url=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Creating a display

Last week I was creating a display in the school library where I work. Because 2008 is Year of the Reef, our staff decided to do a display of "under the sea" scene. This important task was given to me.

It was my first experience of display creating from scratch. What a fun I had! It reminded me creating paper murals with my daughter. First, I had to draw a draft of the scene, secondly and mainly, tried to use the materials and the objects that we have got in the library for displays (fabric, ceramic fish) to make the display attractive and interesting.

Here is the result of my 3-hour thoroughly work (I only have to add a banner and it is completed!):
full veiw of the display

left side of the display

right side of the view

Monday, November 19, 2007

I've just finished watching 'So you think you can dance' last episode that I recorded last week on my computer. I love-love-love this show - the dancers are amazing, they are so talented, some of them danced only one style, but in the show they had to learn to routines and styles. It was so exciting to watch them growing professionally through the season.
There was a moment in the show whenKate and Nigel were dancing their first and thier last time together. I like the dance, it was done with JibJab. is a web site where you can create a movie starring yourself and others, using pre-recorded movies. You only need create your "head" (cut from an uploaded photo), that then can be used in a movie.
Here is my movie, Disco dance with my lovely friend.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

#8 Make life "really simple" with RSS & a newsreader

Gee, time is flying - it has been a month since last time I posted anything on my blog (although I stated in my Learning Contract that I would spend some time every week to complete an exercise) . But what you can do if there are other priorities... you do your best.

So, RSS...

Yes, they 'make life "really simple". And setting RSS feeds is easy:

  1. create an account with Bloglines (or other online newsreader) AND

  2. subscribe to newsfeeds


But I should say accessing my RSS feeds is not so simple for me: go to Bloglines, log in and then read them - it takes some time to do it. I hope Internet Explorer 7 (has an RSS reader built-in) will make the access easier.

Here are some RSS feeds that I subscribe to and some news that came from them:

1. The Age Technology Headlines

(to keep me updated about new in technology)

Internet a surprise boon for books

Game censors go for the jugular

Adobe Acrobat Reader vulnerable to hacks

Your new TV may soon be a consumer relic

2. inCite newsmagazine

(well, it ALIA's newmagazine)

3. LibraryBytes blog

('chunks of news about libraries & new technologies' is maintained by Helene Blowers, Public Services Technology Director for the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County (PLCMC))

4. State Library Victoria - Digital Forums Podcasts

(in the past I tried to attend few of their forums but unfortunately was busy. And now I don't have to be at SLV to hear presentations and discussions and check its website when the next forum is, I just click on a podcast and start to listen to... cool)

5. State Library Victoria - Latest News

(I love SLV: its building, interier, collections...)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

#5 Flickr

Flickr... I had fun playing with it - easy to use.

Found a few of interesting and cute pictures.

Here is one of them:

Cute? Isn't he (she)?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Hi everyone!

Here we are - learning about new technologies that we can use in libraries.
I never thought I would have a blog ... my own blog. When I was studying at the uni, in a class we had a discussion about blogs, wikis etc., my thoughts were "Oh, they are not my cup of tea". And look now - I'm writing my first post. How exciting!

I believe I will enjoy my journey through Learning 2.0, discovering new and exciting things.